Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05553

From: Martin Labelle
Date: Sat, 07 Aug 1999 19:03:30 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] BEAM search engine

Hello everybody!

I though that a S-e-a-r-c-h E-n-g-i-n-e (sorry about that but the mailing
list doesn't like this expression!) about BEAM robotics would be a very
good idea so I built one.

The address is:

I think that it will take a couple of weeks to have a good database of
urls. There is a page where you can add the url of your web site. It
doesn't support META TAGS yet but I plan to add this feature soon.

Feel free to email me any comments or suggestions


5554 Sun, 08 Aug 1999 09:36:25 GMT [alt-beam] Sunday Beam chat(Yahoo club) "Jason -" Hie everyone....last week's chat was so dissapointed..many didnt join...but
i hope this time all the beamers in the galaxy would freely come in and chat
til u drop....

well i am hosting another chat in the yahoo club on the 8th of august at 4PM
mountain standard time(as usual)....bye everyone


5555 Sunday, 8 August 1999 7:37 Sunday Beam chat(Yahoo club) Jason -
>Hie everyone....last week's chat was so dissapointed..many didnt join...but
>i hope this time all the beamers in the galaxy would freely come in and
>til u drop....
>well i am hosting another chat in the yahoo club on the 8th of august at
>mountain standard time(as usual)....bye everyone

5556 Mon, 9 Aug 1999 10:21:43 +1000 Re: Sunday Beam chat(Yahoo club) David Perry
> Well i would go, if it wasn't at 8am AEST on monday, the time i leave to
> to school! I hate school. You hate school. We all hate school.
> (With the exception of when i go to college later this year to do a course
> in web design, something i chose to do hahaha)
> Sorry, maybe that was a waste of time, hmmm, maybe it's because i'm
> 45.33333333333% insane.
> David Perry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason -
> To:
> Date: Sunday, 8 August 1999 7:37
> Subject: Sunday Beam chat(Yahoo club)
> >Hie everyone....last week's chat was so dissapointed..many didnt
> >i hope this time all the beamers in the galaxy would freely come in and
> chat
> >til u drop....
> >
> >well i am hosting another chat in the yahoo club on the 8th of august at
> 4PM
> >mountain standard time(as usual)....bye everyone
> >
> >
> >______________________________________________________
> >

5557 Sun, 08 Aug 1999 21:08:51 -0600 [alt-beam] Re: Chloroplast mutation. Craig Maynard That's great, Richard... What do you think of the circuit? Have you
applied it to any robot yet?


> Richard Caudle wrote:
> Hi all,
> I built a Chloroplast SE last night. Instead of the MC34164 and
> MPSA12, I used a MC34064 and a 2N7000. Another example of using
> technoscrap(used what I had laying around)! It tripped over at 4VDC
> instead of 5.5VDC. Lots of oomph!
> Richard Caudle
> Home ICQ - Frankendaddy
> Guardians of the sacred words: Nee, Ptang, and NeeWhon!

5558 Mon, 9 Aug 1999 13:32:27 +1000 [alt-beam] electric shock disposable camera. "Bens Web Page"
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
content-type: text/plain;

Today i dismantled a disposable camera and electricuted myself about five t=
imes try to remove the flash. I kept on getting shocked from touching some =
part of the camera. I don't know what is was but when i finaly disconected =
all the wires I found something that looked liked a huge fucker of a cap. I=
t said on the side of the cap 330 volts and 160 uf. Does anyone think that =
this could be used to make a very fast photovore. I am only very new to bea=
m and don't understand very much. I would be very appreciative if you peopl=
e could reply to this message with some ideas on how I could use this one c=
ap to make a photovore solarroler or any other type of simple beam robot. N=
o walkers though please.

content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
content-type: text/html;


content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
content-type: text/plain;

Hi I still feel weird after that shock. Shit 330 v fuck is all can say.

content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
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> reply to this message with some ideas on how I could use this one cap to
> a photovore solarroler or any other type of simple beam robot. No walkers
> though please.
You have to be kidding 330 Volts and 160 uf? In one of those cheap camras?
what kind was it?

5561 Sun, 08 Aug 1999 21:08:11 -0700 [alt-beam] Re: electric shock disposable camera. Sean Rigter
content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

All I can think off is: Lucky guy! You could have gotten killed! That
kind of voltage and capacity can put your heart into fibrilation. Like
you personally experienced , a mag bot with a 160u/330v would take a
heck of a jump but is not recommended for safety reasons.

Bens Web Page wrote:

> Today i dismantled a disposable camera and electricuted myself about
> five times try to remove the flash. I kept on getting shocked from
> touching some part of the camera. I don't know what is was but when i
> finaly disconected all the wires I found something that looked liked a
> huge fucker of a cap. It said on the side of the cap 330 volts and 160
> uf. Does anyone think that this could be used to make a very fast
> photovore. I am only very new to beam and don't understand very much.
> I would be very appreciative if you people could reply to this message
> with some ideas on how I could use this one cap to make a photovore
> solarroler or any other type of simple beam robot. No walkers though
> please.

content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
content-type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

All I can think off is: Lucky guy! You could have gotten killed! That kind
of voltage and capacity can put your heart into fibrilation.  Like
you personally experienced , a mag bot with a 160u/330v  would take
a heck of a jump but is not recommended for safety reasons.

Bens Web Page wrote:

i dismantled a disposable camera and electricuted myself about five times
try to remove the flash. I kept on getting shocked from touching some part
of the camera. I don't know what is was but when i finaly disconected all
the wires I found something that looked liked a huge fucker of a cap. It
said on the side of the cap 330 volts and 160 uf. Does anyone think that
this could be used to make a very fast photovore. I am only very new to
beam and don't understand very much. I would be very appreciative if you
people could reply to this message with some ideas on how I could use this
one cap to make a photovore solarroler or any other type of simple beam
robot. No walkers though please.


5562 Mon, 9 Aug 1999 14:17:59 +1000 Re: electric shock disposable camera.
> In a message dated 8/8/99 10:32:56 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > Today i dismantled a disposable camera and electricuted myself about
> > times try to remove the flash. I kept on getting shocked from touching
> > part of the camera. I don't know what is was but when i finaly
> > all the wires I found something that looked liked a huge fucker of a
> It
> > said on the side of the cap 330 volts and 160 uf. Does anyone think that
> this
> > could be used to make a very fast photovore. I am only very new to beam
> > don't understand very much. I would be very appreciative if you people
> could
> > reply to this message with some ideas on how I could use this one cap to
> make
> > a photovore solarroler or any other type of simple beam robot. No
> > though please.
> >
> You have to be kidding 330 Volts and 160 uf? In one of those cheap
> what kind was it?
> it says photo flash on the side and was from a agfa camera
