Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #05513
From: Bruce Robinson
Date: Saturday, 31 July 1999 3:24
Subject: Re: Australian robot competition!!!
>> David Perry wrote:
>> thats right!
>> I've just found out that the world soccer robot cup is to be held in
>> melbourne, australia next year!!!! I'm looking into it now, but
>> wouldn't it promote beam if we submittted a beamish robot!! Anyone
>> intrested?
>I am most definitely interested, even though the chances of me actually
>being present are very slim indeed.
>The idea of BEAM robot soccer was discussed in a previous thread, but
>evolved into a discussion of how you would create a soccer environment
>suitable to BEAM, rather than making BEAM adapt to an existing
>environment. At the time, I took the trouble to look up the robocup
>rules (just as an example), and it seemed to me that a "beam team" was
>feasible, although it would be really pushing the envelope. In fact,
>Victor, my robot-to-be, is intended to prove out some of the ideas I had
>To actually pull this off, we would need the help of a large chunk of
>the BEAM community, and it would take a LOT of co-ordinating; I suspect
>a lot of the old timers will tell us it can't be done (both the
>co-ordinating AND the robots). Personally, I think it's feasible if
>enough of the right people get involved.
>Perhaps the best approach is for those of us who are interested to get
>in touch through David, and then converse among ourselves to devise a
>plan of attack. Once we've got a rough idea of what we're up to, we
>could invite everyone else on the list to join us.
>Any thoughts?