Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05495

From: SG
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 23:10:15 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Flimsy legs VS Firm legs

i found some "music wire" about as thick
as coat hangers and i thought the chromish look
would give a nice plus to my "lotus" walker. the
thing is, the legs are quite springy. you push
down on the assembly and the bot squishes down
about 1 inch, then springs back up. "quite flexable"
i thought to myself....
well, since i switched i've been having all
sorts of problems to getting the two servos in sinc.
i've switched resostors and caps, but i think it has
something to do with the feedbak the motors are getting
from the legs.
the front legs (being much longer) seem to
actually "bounce" when they hit the floor on one side,
and power then is transfered in such a way to mess up
the equal distribution.
i have found that adding weight to the front seems
to help, but after messing with it for a while my battery
has run down and i can't quite tell (when batt runs down,
not so much of a "kick" to the thrust of the legs, and no
bounce, so it seems to walk better)
NOW, has anyone else experienced this and has found
that firmer stiffer legs are better? or is it that (alas)
my circuit is just really screwed up and i need to start
all over?
thanks for any input!
