Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05454

From: Bob Shannon
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 19:03:09 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: good news about my competition entry at last...

David Perry wrote:

> Well, those motors on my caterpillar bot aren't as efficient as i
> thought. So i tried hooking up a larger battery (6volt lantern
> battery, yikes!) and off it went. I was really surprised how the motor
> turned continuously like that. Anyway, with some larger batteries i'll
> be ready well under 2 weeeks. Any one have any suggestions for
> batteries? I started by using extra heavy duty ni-cads (2) but that
> don't seem to be working. David Perry
> Battery problems Eh?
> Sure, I'll help, but I have a few questions.
> How much current does it draw, at 3 volts, and at about 6 volts?
> I have some small Ni-MHD cells that are far better than Ni-CAD cells.
> These might be what you need.
