Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05450

To: "beam mailing list"
From: "David Perry"
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 20:18:17 +1000
Subject: [alt-beam] good news about my competition entry at last...

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Well, those motors on my caterpillar bot aren't as efficient as i thought. =
So i tried hooking up a larger battery (6volt lantern battery, yikes!) and =
off it went. I was really surprised how the motor turned continuously like =
that. Anyway, with some larger batteries i'll be ready well under 2 weeeks.=
Any one have any suggestions for batteries? I started by using extra heavy=
duty ni-cads (2) but that don't seem to be working.

David Perry

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> > Ok, its just about ready...
> Looks extremely ready to me Bob. Very, very nice! That's a machine.
> Complexity derived from layered simplicity. Brilliant!
> Jim


The 'bot's been done for over 2 weeks, its the videos that are not quite

Depending on how they are encoded, the videos can really trash the
of this sort of BEAM creature, making it look much less fluid and smooth
than it
actually is.

The video tape is being re-digitized and encoded to fix this as much as
is possible,
but even seeing the analog output from the cam-corder its clear that
something has
already been lost in the recording process.

But as long as I dont drop any if the NTSC frames (fields actually) it
should do well
