Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05384

To: "beam mailing list"
From: "David Perry"
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 07:02:09 +1000
Subject: [alt-beam] h-bridge problems

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just when everything was working something like this comes along...
okay, my bots ready to go, i've made the h-bridges, and the nervous network=
and reversers which means i can test. But when i hooked up one high power =
(pn2907, 2n3904, pn2222) 6 transistor h-bridge, double checked all connecti=
ons and with one foul sweep, connected the power. But the rear motor, the o=
ne i hooked a h-bridge to didn't move. I think i can here it pulse in the m=
otor. The microcore is doing fine, going around and around. But those darn =
motors won't move. The signal voltage is 2.5 volts going to the h-bridge b=
ut the h-bridge is only outputing 0.5 volts, and only for less than a secon=
d as the pulse is on. Please help, you wouldn't want all the prizes to go t=
o Darrel :-)

David Perry

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to go to Darrel :-)

David Perry

