Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #05339
To: beam mailing list
From: David Perry
Date: Sunday, 18 July 1999 3:31
Subject: which SE to use?
ok the dilemna, not to release to many secrets but my
caterpliller bot has 4 motors which draw around 70ma each, plus there
is an additional circuit to make it make a cricket sound when
dark (it draws 1ma while idle and 8ma while making annoying
noise) plus a microcore w/ LED's (5) , 2 reversers and cold
start PNC and 4 high power h-bridges and ahhh, thats about it.
As you can imagine i really need a bigger robot to carry all
the circuitry. Now to power it i have 2 24x33 solarcells and a
1farad cap. It hasn't really got a very stiff walking gate so
losing sync ain't much of a problem. Now what sort of solarengine
do i use? d1, which i don't want cause i'm impatient or a PM1
SE? For emergencies i also have a .33 gold cap and 2
22x24mm solar cells which i might be willing to give up to use
on this bot? Please help!
David Perry
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