Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05285

To: "beam mailing list"
From: "David Perry"
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 03:58:25 +1000
Subject: [alt-beam] re: automatic pnc

Thanks heaps, but i have a few questions.
Where do the diode outputs connect to, the input of the microcore inverters?
What's that 3rd inverter along, is it the same as the others? Do i just use
another 74hc14 for all of them?
Great, this will really help, thanks again!!!

David Perry

Oh and Ben Morgan, when you sent that message EVERYONE GETS IT thats
hundreds of people that get an even more cluttered up mailbox.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bruce Robinson
>To: David Perry
>Date: Wednesday, 14 July 1999 11:40
>Subject: Re: automatic pnc
>>> David Perry wrote:
>>> But i still can't work out how to make a circuit to automatically
>>> introduce pulses for one of the following ways:-
>>> *detect with logic circuits when the microcore has died out and
>>> restart it OR
>>> *just introduce a pulse when the circuit starts which i don't really
>>> want beacuse i don't know why the circuits died
>>Hi, David. Here's my cold-start circuit which I posted a while back. It
>>starts your microcore up with one pulse, period. No waiting while extra
>>pulses die out, or any of that stuff.
>>This one is 100% guaranteed. I have been experimenting with another
>>circuit which does the same thing, but only uses two inverters. It's
>>worked perfectly for me so far, just have to get it into GIF format.
>>Finally, I think I can adapt this circuit to figure out if your
>>microcore has gone dead. Essentially, there would be one neuron with a
>>very long delay, that would be triggered by one of the neurons in your
>>microcore. As long as a pulse kept coming around to trigger it, the
>>delay neuron would keep getting reset. However, if all your pulses died
>>out, the delay neuron would eventually time out and send out a signal,
>>that could be used to start up your microcore again. This one's going to
>>take some thought, because I don't know how it will behave on startup.
>>More to follow.

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