Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05284

To: David Perry
From: Bruce Robinson
Date: Wednesday, 14 July 1999 11:40
Subject: Re: automatic pnc

>> David Perry wrote:
>> But i still can't work out how to make a circuit to automatically
>> introduce pulses for one of the following ways:-
>> *detect with logic circuits when the microcore has died out and
>> restart it OR
>> *just introduce a pulse when the circuit starts which i don't really
>> want beacuse i don't know why the circuits died
>Hi, David. Here's my cold-start circuit which I posted a while back. It
>starts your microcore up with one pulse, period. No waiting while extra
>pulses die out, or any of that stuff.
>This one is 100% guaranteed. I have been experimenting with another
>circuit which does the same thing, but only uses two inverters. It's
>worked perfectly for me so far, just have to get it into GIF format.
>Finally, I think I can adapt this circuit to figure out if your
>microcore has gone dead. Essentially, there would be one neuron with a
>very long delay, that would be triggered by one of the neurons in your
>microcore. As long as a pulse kept coming around to trigger it, the
>delay neuron would keep getting reset. However, if all your pulses died
>out, the delay neuron would eventually time out and send out a signal,
>that could be used to start up your microcore again. This one's going to
>take some thought, because I don't know how it will behave on startup.
>More to follow.

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