Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05216

From: "Travis D."
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 21:23:26 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [alt-beam] popper


I just got a photopopper kit in the mail (I've built
other freeform BEAM devices before), but I can't get
it to work despite all my best efforts. The left
motor ran right away after hooking up the cap. it's
the right motor I'm having problems with. I checked
all the obvious things (soldering errors, connections,
and the potentiometer) without consequence. I checked
the voltage, and it rises in the cap and even across
the 1381. It reaches its trigger voltage, then
nothing. I even shorted across it a couple of times
to make sure it was firing. I don't think that's my
problem though. It must be in the transistors. Oh
yeah, I made SURE that the transistors were hooked up
correctly (everything else too for that matter). What
is going on??? do I have a faulty component? I mean,
I've made solarengines and stuff before...
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