Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05151

Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 20:14:36 EDT
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: What does purposeful mean, anyway?

In a message dated 7/8/99 7:55:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> ok... once the bot has arrived at point B then it can gather
> samples/data/etc... and transmit/carry that data back to where the
> operator chooses/has already determinted... there you go: purpose. The
> bots 'purpose' is to collect data. or insert whatever 'purpose' you
> want it to have...
I'm pretty sure Pathfinder did just that for about a week. Not so far fetched
or unattainable when a microcontroller is used, it would seem. This would
also be easier done by remote control, not a need for a true robot. As far
as I know, Pathfinder did it ONLY because of the time lag between operator
and robot. I still don't see the purpose if it can be done easier with a
waldo. As usual, the use must be exaggerated to make it fit a BEAM bot,
again, no real purpose, just an excuse to facilitate hopes. None of which has
the slightest thing to do with robotic applications. It is not our place to
reason why, it is BEAM or die.

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