Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #05104

Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 08:10:36 EDT
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Someting funny with the subject line? was Something funny

In a message dated 7/8/99 3:17:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> carry around a solar powered thingy, even a flag spinner, and now you have
> > a real robot.
> A 'REAL' robot? IMHO, the task of a photovore is to stay alive.
This is a lesson in philosophy. Debating what a robot really is may be to
subjective to come to a consensus. I would call my satellite dish a robot. I
can program it to come on automatically, move to a certain satellite, lock
onto a transponder, and shut off at a predetermined time. Now, it doesn't
look a bit like Robby the robot, and I don't really consider it one in the
purist sense, but it is one nonetheless. We are actually surrounded by
robots. In our cars, coffee makers, and microwaves. What hasn't been realized
yet is the mechanical slave or companion. Now, Mr. Tilden gave us a new
definition. A robot is an automaton that survives for it's own purpose. I
think Mr. Brooks would say a robot is a simulation of a human being. Fact is,
they are all of these things. Having said that, it comes down to whether you
like strawberry or chocolate. It's a matter of personal taste and opinion.
The robots, particularly those built in the BEAM philosophy, really don't
care what we call them. It's all highly subjective, and the argument may be
counter productive if taken to extremes.

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