Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #04887

To:; James Wilson
From: Bruce Robinson
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 23:33:18 -0400
Subject: Re: Feed Back

> James Wilson wrote:
> We use IR. detectors to make our bots photo tropic right? And we tend
> to use visible light emitting diode to indicate the direction of the
> light source for our own amusement. So what if we positioned an IR
> emitter @ 90ø to the receiver and place a first surface mirror
> (polished metal) at 45ø between the two and wired it to a) Positively
> feed back into itself or
> b) Negatively feed back into itself

I think you might create a robot that either try to run toward itself,
or try to run away from itself (kind of like my dog during a
thunderstorm -- she just runs). That is, if you attached the mirrors to
the robot.

Now, what if you attach the mirrors to walls and obstacles? Or even more
interesting, what if you make a bunch of these and attach outward facing
mirrors to the 'bots themselves? Robot pinball!

Seriously, with some fine tuning it would be an interesting way to
create a collision-avoidance system.

Take care, and above all else, have fun,

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