Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #04836

From: "Hyndman"
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 18:07:30 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: To Newbies

>I waited for one to come in from Solarbotics, and still spend a month
trying >to get my SE to work with the crap transistors they sold me.

I have built a photovore, a Scout Walker 1 and a Scout Walker 2, and I have
had no problems with any of the components. If I remember right Solarbotics
components are ordered from Digikey.

>DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR: Order from digikey or Jameco and >Solarbotics
from the *beginning*. If don't have a credit card, you should at >least be
able to send them a money order. It'll take longer, and seem more
>expensive than >RS, but, it the long run, you'll save time, money, and,
most >importantly, headaches.

With solarbotics (people who live in calgary are the exception) Shipping
take a while, shipping prices are a bitch and we all know how our excellent
postal service rushes packages to us. Digikey on the other hand, If you
make an order before 7:00PM (or some time near) pay $8 shipping, you get
your stuff the same day you order it.

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