Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #04738

From: Ian Bernstein
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 99 15:23:00 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Feedback explained?

I know this is probably old news for some of you but I was just writing
an e-mail to someone and suddenly started to understand motor feedback
and how the walker can adapt....

What happens if the motor encounters resistance is the voltage drops (?)
and the .22 caps charge differently. On a CPU bot you say to the motor,
"go to this point". On a BEAM walker you say turn this way for x amount
of time (x also changes depending on the resistance of the motor - leg
gets stuck, at angle, rock....) so the whole thing is constantly changing
depending on the environment and terrain.

Well I wonder if there's a was to 'amplify' the motor feedback so if a
leg gets stuck it will drastically change the circuit?


Ian Bernstein "aka - Synet" The Master Builder

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