Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #04721
From: James Munro
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 11:22:27 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Blank PVC panels/need suggestions for prototyping boards
> Is that the name of it? I just thought it was PVC, the stuff that pipes were
> made of...:-) Hey, let me look through my stack of Nuts and Volts, they
> normally have ads for companies which specialise in project-box products.
> Want me to hook you up if I find anything? It'd most likely be a mail-order
> company, which is what I'd like to avoid. Doesn't seem to be much of
> anywhere that sells this stuff, huh? I was thinking, what about that clear
> plastic(the name of it just left me...) stuff? They make cheapie fish tanks
> out of it....
The plastic which is sold by Lynxmotion is Sintra or foamboard, I believe
it's an expanded PVC or something like that. Not the same stuff used for
the pipes, not exactly anyway. Sintra is really easy to cut and sand and
CA glues work great on it.
Isn't the fishtank material lexan?
Jim Munro
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