Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #04681

From: "Slip"
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 18:02:36 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] New to this list...

Hey there,
Just thought I'd take a min or two and introduce myself as a new
listmember. I'v always been intrigued with robotics in general and heavily
in BEAM robotics. Only until lately in the last year have I learned enough
about electronics to do something with that interest. I'm currently(well not
now that school's out) in the Electronics Related Technology shop at a
Career and Tech center in Southern PA and will be a Junior next year. I
think the points of BEAM that appeal most to me are the facts that many
things can be done in BEAM robotics with little or subtle money. Being a
student I don't have a whole lotta money to play around with, so the BEAM
side of robotics lets me 'make my cake and eat it too'. In otherwords I can
toy around with robotics without shelling out lotsa cash. Most of my
'experiance' with electronics has been from tinkering at home here with
projects such as power supplies, tone decoders, and other small circuits.
I'm looking forward to designing/building some 'interesting' projects which
have a bit more reactivness than say a LC bandpass filter...:-) I guess you
could say that my 'goal' is to learn enough from BEAM to work my way up to
microcontrollers and more advanced robotic desings. There's still plenty
about BEAM which surpasses what I know now so it should be a fun and
meaningfull experiance.

Regards and thanks in advance-you'll be hearing from me more frequently as I
get into this more! :-)
-Jamie K
Hey BTW-if anyone here is in the SouthernPA area, let me know!

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