Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #04653

From: Ian Bernstein
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 99 08:19:42 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: BEAM vs. Mindstorms

Well a BEAM kit and a mindstorms set are totally different.

BEAM kit ----
If you want a good way to get started in electronics go this way. This is
a good start in teaching you to solder and will help you learn about what
components do and it will also help you if you want to get into CPU
robotics. If your interested in electronics this is the way to go.

Mindstorms ----
More of a toy. I'm not sure exactly about the programing interface but
there is no soldering required. You wont learn any programing languages
that will really be useful in other CPU-bot projects (you will learn some
stuff but not a lot). You will learn alot about the system but I'm not
sure how much this will help you if you move on. Just a note.... I met
the guy that works at MIT who invented the mindstorms system (I think he
is in this months Wired). Cool guy. This is much more of a cool toy than
something you can really build off of.


Ian Bernstein "aka - Synet" The Master Builder

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