Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #04236

To: BEAM List
From: Arron Grammond
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 20:33:18 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Old Ascii Diagrams

I'm looking for some old ASCII BEAM diagrams of Nv and H bridge and

It was around two years ago?...
I found a BEAM page that talked about the Nv and other BEAM info.

It kept refering Mr. Tilden and to diagrams but no images were linked to
the text only pages...

I back stepped the web address by removing the HTML page from the
brouser address bar and found a nice group of files listed there...

There were ascii graphics of BEAM schematics included...

They started out with very simple layouts and increased in complexity to
a diagrams with 8 plus transistors shown on them.
They talked about reversing the transistors and swapping the PnP for the
nPn to get different behavior from the circuits?...

Does anyone know the info or the files I'm talking about?
I used to have a copy of the files but I can't seem to locate them
I was reminded of them by the messages about the Nv the last few days.

If everything is going right,
You must be doing something wrong...

Arron Grammond, CAD/MIS

PS: Any BEAMers in Phoenix, AZ?

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