Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #04205
To: "''"
From: "van Zoelen, Bram SSI-TSEA-352"
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 10:08:19 +0200
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Circuit design and Protel
I've used an earlier version of Protel and are statisfied with it. I only
had to make sure that my printer settings where not set to 'scale to fit' .
Then it printed just fine. I have a legaal, non-expirering verion on my
website available for download.
> ----------
> From: Jacob Booth[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: Thursday, June 03, 1999 6:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: Circuit design and Protel
> This is a small cry for help in some of the finer points on using
> the trial version of protel '99 I have downloaded. It is a very good
> package, and I would like to get some productivity out of it before it
> expires (no way can I afford this one!)
> Now I am not new to electronics, nor manual PCB design, but this
> has
> me a little stumped. I have been able to draw in my schematics, allocate
> footprints and export to PCBs, but I would like to talk to other people
> who
> have used any version of Protel about the finer points. I am sure there
> are
> a few tips and easier ways to go about doing some things.
> If anyone could please drop me a line if you use or have used this
> software, I would like to compare some notes with you. Depending on the
> responses and the quality, I may repost to the list (or anyone who
> requests
> it personally).
> As this thread itself isn't beam (although I am doing a beam
> project), please respond privately!
> Thanks in advance for any response!
> Jacob
> -----------------------------
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