Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #04123
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 17:13:05 EDT
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: BEAM and machine evolution
Please keep this in mind
I havn't read all of the emails regarding this touchy topic but reading what
I have from everyone I have to state this:
Some people like to write letters/stories. Some people like to write peoms.
The comparisons are many but it is much harder to write in certin guidleines
(syloblyes, meter etc) they say that it is funner to write in that way to ad
a challenge. Just like how BEAM may be harder to do and keep within the guide
lines of "BEAM".
So you could say that poets are like BEAMERS they like to "create"
within guid lines. Other writers are like others that jsut like to create.
Both are greate at what they do and deserve much respect but non the
less are different.
Well thats my 2 cents
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