Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #04051

From: "Jason -"
Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 15:09:48 GMT
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Flathead(as shown in solarbotics)

>From: Dennison
>Subject: Re: Flathead(as shown in solarbotics)
>Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 09:33:58 -0400
>Nope, Bicore's technicaly only opperate in saturated state. What saturated
>state means that the most number of processes in the loop are active, in
>even numbered nv loops the number of pulses in staturated state are equal
>half the number of physical nv's. Think of a 4nv microcore, when a
>powers up, it powers up in saturated state. That means that at any one time
>in this microcore, there are 2 nv's 'on', and two 'off'. In a 6 nv
>there are 3 nv's 'on' and 3 nv's 'off' at any one time. The PNC is used to
>reduce this number to fewer pulses. For example, for the proper walking
>in a 4nv walker, you need one pulse, not two. So the PNC gets rid of one.
>a bicore the saturated state IS the state that you want to use, so you
>need a pNC to control it.
ermm if it so...wouldnt it occilate at a TOO high frequency....i mean why
makr want to use this there must be a special reason right...or do u think
this is his past work and after considering both bicore and microcore and
power consuming and occilate at a TOO high frequency that now he is making
what u might call it a 'poppernet'....might make some sense though..well
anyway i am going to build one DOF head mechanism with a microcore and
experiment a bit ....if anything goes wrong would u mind for me to come to
you for the answer


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