Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #04047

From: Evaristo Westplate
Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 16:11:19 +0200
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: BEAM and machine evolution

I agree with you Terry. I myself use PIC controllers to create small robots
which run on solar power. As soon as the complexity rises, I use micro
controllers for the obvious reasons. I don't see why BEAM and CPU's can't
join. You could see the processor as "glue logic" devices incorporating all
the gates and RC components. Bottom line.... just use what you need. For me
the end result counts and not what technology was used. One of the reasons
that you will never hear me say "I'm a Beamer". Don't get me wrong, BEAM
has some strong points which make it interesting. I also made small robots
which used bi-cores and NV's. I only dislike the fact that every thing has
to be build according to the known BEAM circuits like micro-cores, NV's,
bi-cores etc. If you use something else, people start to complain. BEAM is
so holy for some people. Oh well have a nice day and keep on building like
you want to.


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