Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #04009

To: "Bob Shannon"
From: "Ed Jones Jr."
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 23:36:55 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: BEAM and machine evolution


Talk about having a bias !!
Bias # 1-you said " often the CPU is the most minimal soultion"

For who ? Me ? Someone just getting started ?
Don't think so !

Bias # 2- you said "This is such a clear bias its disgusting "

You are right-see bias # 1

Bias # 3- you said " Secondly , check with the list owner on what is , and
is not on topic "

First off-I have been on this list since 1996 . I have seen many
discussions on topics not directly related to beam but none the less
interesting , with many point/counterpoint issues talked about . Second , I
don't have to "check" with anyone Bob. This list , originaly , was for beam
related topics, free of censorship , ( barring vulgar , profane , or
otherwise disgusting topics ) . Its easy enough for the list owner to drop
me from the list if thats what he really wanted to do ,I'll still continue
on with my " Beam" research . But hey , thanks for the "tip" there Bob.

Bias # 4-you said " You happened to fail to notice that the thread had been
dropped long (?) ago , Ed."

Dropped by who ? You ? the list owner ? Are you sure we are both reading
the same last few weeks e-mails ? Oh , by the way , I just noticed a
e-mail from Babu Alihastubot dated Sunday , may 30 , 1999 at 9.33 Pm . It
seems he had a question about a basic FLED solar engine , using diodes .
Uhmmmm. I didn't miss that one , Bob .

Bias # 5 - you said " As I have posted before, the anti-CPU bias crowd "
CLEARLY OUTNUMBERS " those who agree with the list owner's rules , so the
subject was "DROPPED"

Tell me it's not true !! ; do us so-called anti -cpu guys really outnumber
those few of you ?? I'll repeat myself ; dropped by who ? you ? the list
owner ? and I thought censorship was dead , my , my .

Bias # 6 - you said " It's quite clear that new designs along those lines
are unwelcome here "

Clear to who ? you ? Now you're picking on Terry Newton for god's sake !!
I happen to like Terry Newton , not for his cpu bots , but for his many
other neat ideas on so many different topics . Since this is a " family "
list , I'll refrain form saying what I would like to say about your
disgusting remarks ! I will say that I and many of my bot building friends
chafe at the idea that a few of you who promote cpus as the " minimal
solution " try to run this list by censorship and your own bias and then
have the gall to tell the rest of us on this list to check with the " list
owner " to ask permission to discuss topics like this .

Ed Jones

> From: Bob Shannon
> To:
> Cc: Bruce Robinson ; Steven Bolt
;; Wilf Rigter
; beam
> Subject: Re: BEAM and machine evolution
> Date: Sunday, May 30, 1999 4:45 PM
> "Ed Jones Jr." wrote:
> > Hey Bob ,
> >
> > I don't know about the rest of the Beamers , but I for one will stick
> > solar powered beam bots WITHOUT CPUs . Thats why I like the concept of
> > , simple , low cost , with plenty of room left for expermentation . Are
> > saying we have learned all we can about Beam and now we should move on
> > CPU bots ?
> No, not at all. I'm only saying that BEAM should not have an anti-CPU
> Often using a PIC is simpler and cheaper than the alternatives, and are
> solarizable. Often the CPU is the most minimal soultion!
> > I said this a year and a half ago and I'll repeat myself : Those
> > of you that want to build stamps or cpu bots , mega-expensive walkers
> > who knows what else , maybe you should go somewhere and start your own
> > !
> First, what does this have to do with what we were discussing earlier?
> SEcondly, check with the list owner on what is, and is not on topic.
> This is such a clear bias its disgusting.
> > ! Look at the last few weeks e-mails and really look at the volume of
> > questions relating to just plain beam bots , circuits , solar cells ,
> > , etc . My three cents-inflation you know .
> >
> > Ed Jones
> >
> You happened to fail to notice that the thread had been dropped long ago
> As I have posted before, the anti-CPU bias crowd clearly out numbers
those who
> agree with the list owners rules, so the subject was dropped.
> But don't anyone dare suggest that any solar and cap powred CPU based
> like Terry Newton's PICBOT II is in any way BEAM technology! Its quite
> that new designs
> along those lines are unwelcome here.

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