Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03870

Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 12:41:17 -0400

--- List message
So much has gone on since the last Stiquito Mailing List message.
The highlights are:

The Stiquito book was reviewed by the German computing magazine
"c't." The reviewer gave the book high marks. Since then, the
book has been ranked highly on the German internet bookstore

The book continues to sell very well. The publisher ran out of
books and has ordered the fourth printing of the book in fourteen

The second Stiquito book was completed and sent to the publishers
last month. We expect this book will be available in the Fall.
The book includes descriptions of electronics experiments, nitinol
experiments, PC parallel port circuits, and analog electronics
circuits. The book will have the standard Stiquito kits. Other
kits (electronics, nitinol, PC port, analog) will be available from
outside vendors.

The Stiquito Supplemental web site will be revamped in the next
few months. Generic information on both books will be available
on the main page, and each book's specific information will be
on separate pages.

Check out the new web site, It is the new
commercial site for Stiquito-related items. Right now the
page has mostly pointers to other sites and book sellers.
When Book 2 is released, it will also point to suppliers of
the Stiquito kits listed above.

I received the following note, and thought I would include it
here since it ids of interest to the group:

>>My name is Joe, and I'm in sixth grade. I am trying to build
>>Stiquito for the Science Fair, but I can't seem to get the music
>>wire legs into the clip grooves. Any advice?

Good question! Actually, I had trouble the first few times I did
it. Some facts:

1) Stiquito will work well even if you do not get the music wire in the
grooves. More important is to ensure the nitinol wire is attached
correctly. Remember to keep the nitinol taught.

2) The music wire has to be done right the first time, otherwise you
will bend it too much and break it. After you pull
the music wire through the hole, grab the music wire (with the pliers)
near the body and pull the wire towards the body (while still pulling
it out). It is a bit hard to explain, but remember to try to bend the
wire as close to the hole opening as possible.

If you need some more wire, most hobby stores carry it (see the
book for the specific size).


If you wish to post anything to this mailing list, email a
message to Since this is a moderated
list, only relevant messages will be forwarded to participants.

James M. Conrad,,

Stiquito book information (sales & sample
text) (sales & sample
text) (online supplement)
--- List message

James Taylor wrote:
> Anyone have any built, or unbuilt Stiquito's that they
> want to part with (nitinol powered bot). Looking to
> make a big colony of them. I have some BG micro gear
> motors I'm willing to trade for the. Alternatly, does
> anyone know of a supplier for these kits?

Pl. remove *s from the e-mail address to reply

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