Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03834

From: Richard Piotter
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 21:21:23 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: PBS special- Poppers

Does anyone know the topology of the newer BeamAnt? I have know how to
make it reverse and attach the Bicore. Is that it?

Also, are the reversers operated solely by the touch sensors, and the
bicore by the photo diodes, or is there something else.

Anyone know what type of SE (PM1 I hear?) and ideal cap & solar panel sizes.

I have a 9 volt 60 mA pannel attached to a pair of MAXON planetary gear
motors. I'm thinking this may be the platform I use, but it's large
(6x6x6 inches with top being the solar panel and a tripod layout with a
scratch built caster wheel in front.

An image of the frame is on my page (Megavore).

I'd love to see those Deluxe Photopoppers. Hehe! (:

Dave Hrynkiw wrote:
> At 03:11 PM 5/27/1999 , wrote:
> >Two things that really caught my eye were a little popper looking bot that
> >twitched VERY rapidly and bug like. It must have had a very small cap.
> Yup. That be one of the two very first-ever PhotoPoppers. I think they used
> 1000uF and the other 2200uF
> >Also, and what really got my mojo
> >going, was a little BEAMANT 6 (I guess) that was made of two hextiles stacked
> >on top of each other like a CPU bot. It's movement was truly amazing from my
> >experience with these critters! I mean it moved constantly with a very fluid
> >motion. I gotta know what's under the hood there. Is it a Bicore jobbie with
> >a PM1 circuit to get that rapid, constant movement?
> Actually, you've about got it figured! In direct sunlight, they move
> practically always. About 3 seconds on, 1/2 second off. VERY impressive.
> Gotta love those small escap gearmotors Mark uses.
> >Dave, how's that for a kit? What would that be 3 or 4 stacked in a
> >row for R&D :)? I'll wait (I want one).
> Yup, it's on the list. A "SuperPopper" or "PhotoPopper Deluxe"...
> something to that effect. It's been pushed back after getting the Headbot
> and hextile kits out. The SW2 may require a bit more time than expected...
> -Dave
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> "Um, no - that's H,R,Y,N,K,I,W. No, not K,I,U,U, K,I,_W_. Yes,
> that's right. Yes, I know it looks like "HOCKYRINK." Yup, only
> 2 vowels. Pronounciation? _SMITH_".


Richard Piotter

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