Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03801

From: []
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 14:33:48 -0700
Subject: PBS special- Poppers

I sent this message last night (this morning?) but like a couple others it
didn't go through. I'm sending it again, so I apologize if anyone gets this

I do have a couple of positive comments about the PBS special (NO, NO :)).
Two things that really caught my eye were a little popper looking bot that
twitched VERY rapidly and bug like. It must have had a very small cap. It's
movement was very interesting to watch. Also, and what really got my mojo
going, was a little BEAMANT 6 (I guess) that was made of two hextiles
on top of each other like a CPU bot. It's movement was truly amazing from my

experience with these critters! I mean it moved constantly with a very fluid

motion. I gotta know what's under the hood there. Is it a Bicore jobbie with

a PM1 circuit to get that rapid, constant movement? Does it therefore have a

sleep phase? If anybody has any straight poop on this thing I'd love to hear

it. I ran the tape over and over on that little bug, and was amazed at it's
activity. Dave, how's that for a kit? What would that be 3 or 4 stacked in a

row for R&D :)? I'll wait (I want one).

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