Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03785

To: Richard Caudle
From: Victor Snesarev
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 16:55:19 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: SE(?) Prototype.

> Richard Caudle wrote:
> Hi,
> I used the 4700uf beacuse I wanted to decrease the output from MHz to
> something usable by SolarFired circuits. (Also, I had it laying
> around from failed SE attempts). I can't seem to go over 6VDC for
> some reason. I think its because of an induced voltage in the motor
> back feeding the power supply. I ran a LED off a 9V battery and the
> fC for 14 hours without any appreciable drop in battery voltage. I
> hooked the motor up this AM and it has a cycle of about two pulses
> every 5 seconds or so. As you get closer to the motor, the pulses
> speed up in frequency and the period also shortens.

The supply voltage to 74HC14 is specified to be a maximum of 6VDC if I'm
not mistaken.


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