Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03755

Date: Mon, 25 May 1992 15:59:56 +0000
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Busy, busy Mark T

i think he's just ignoring some mails delibratly. If everyone got
into the habit of saying hello and asking questions of Mark, he'd
would'nt be able to do his work/play (i haven't decided yet). Another
way of putting it, you can email Bill Gates, and he reads his mail
but 99.999% of the time he won't reply beacuse he already gets 100's
of emails a day.

David Perry

> At 7:19 AM -0000 5/21/99, Wilf Rigter wrote:
> :My that must be painful!
> :
> :>Mark T most likely has to analize the waveforms passing through the Nvs
> Well, ignoring the mis-spelling and the implied joke..
> Mark doesn't take all that much experimental data to speak of. Yes, he is
> almost always building one robot or another, on occasion he'll take
> qualitative information from a 'scope (particularly when something isn't
> working properly) but the vast bulk of his time is spent in marketing the
> BEAM concept and dealing with the awful bureaucratic politics that exist
> when you find yourself dealing with government agencies. There simply
> isn't much in the way of recorded -data- in his notebooks, although the
> people who might want to buy his stuff aren't as interested in it as we
> might be. You might say that his lab notebooks are rather more full of
> dreams.
> What he needs (ok, what he could use) would be a bunch of undergraduate
> students performing all of the tests and measurments that have been
> suggested, but I honestly don't think he's got the time to do them himself
> nor does he have the funding to support those jobs. The time he's got to
> do true research is quite limited.
> However, I still think he ought to be publishing more (and not the
> overly-high level stuff that deals with what I happen to believe are
> questionable links to chaos theory.)
> Oh well.
> jab
I'm sure David sinceraly apologises if he
insulted anyone, it won't happen again.


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