Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03740

To: "Cory Duce",
From: Ian Bernstein
Date: Wed, 26 May 99 00:14:51 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: a new idea for freeforming

>I have been thinking about free forming a few circuits for a robot I'm
>working on, but I didn't like the fact that a free formed circuit is easyly
>shorted out if a wire is accidentaly bent, or if something conductive is
>dropped into the works. So I had an idea. Free form the circuit like normal
>and then cover the whole thing with some 5 min epoxy so that it gets between
>all the wires and acts like an insulation. You could go one step farther and
>cover it in silicone so you have a shock proof/water proof/dust proof
>freeformed circuit, perfect for underwater robots or any robot thats going
>to be in harsh environments.

Do it all the time. I usally coat my h-bridges and SE's in epoxy. When
you mix your epoxy add a drop of food coloring or some other form of
color. It gives the epoxy a cool color. Just make sure it works before
you encase it in epoxy =) If you still want to be able to get to the
circuit you can use hot glue. Also you can coat the hot glue in a thin
layer of epoxy so your bot won't melt if you leave in on the dashboard of
your car on a hot day.

Ian Bernstein "aka - Synet" The Master Builder

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