Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03717

To: beam
From: Richard Piotter
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 17:04:58 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Nv Inside Logos: They look GREAT!!!

Well, I opened the old graphics program and touched up that little jpg
that was sent to me. I increased the resolution to 360x360 DPI and sort
of drew over the old image to form a fairly sharp edged image. The
program is realy weird with using gradients, so I just blured the old
gradient and trimmed the edges with the airbrush tool set to white.

All in all, it looks great! It's clear, sharp, and the printout is at
1440x720 DPI using a 6 picoliter ink spot and 7 colors of ink. I'm
throwing these on my own bots. They are GREAT!!!

They aren't stickers. They were printed on a 4x6 sheet of glossy photo
paper, which is all I have right now. There are a total of 24 printed
out, and each is about a square inch in size. Later, I'll work on some
slightly smaller ones. Maybe???

If there is interest, I'll try to get some sticker paper. there is a
sticker kit for my printer.

The irony is pure beauty! A processor logo to show off the lack of a
processor! Beautiful, just beautiful! Hehe! (:

I should work on an SE Inside logo as well. Maybe an Nv Inside logo for
Solar powered walkers with SE on it in the style of the MMX logo! Hehe! (:


Richard Piotter

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