Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03694

To: "Hyndman",,
From: Dave Hrynkiw
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 10:53:54 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Girls in BEAM (was: Ya wanna lay off Solarbotics?)

At 01:10 PM 5/23/1999 , Hyndman wrote:
> >In the US now everyone is talking about what is happening with our 13 year
> >old boys.
>Only "problem" I have with that is your just mentioning boys. I'm sure you
>didn't mean to do this on purpose. I haven't seen many girls building BEAM
>robotics. Dave, we're putting a lot of pressure on you about this issue.

HAY, hey, HEEEY! Did you know that this year's LANL workshop had the
highest percentage of girls ever? I *think* it was around 40%!

And what more can I do? I have Cheryl (my wife) running the workshops, and
have a 6mo old baby girl! SHEEESH!

Then again, having more girls come to workshops will hold the interest of
more 13 year old boys, wouldn't it?

"Um, no - that's H,R,Y,N,K,I,W. No, not K,I,U,U, K,I,_W_. Yes,
that's right. Yes, I know it looks like "HOCKYRINK." Yup, only
2 vowels. Pronounciation? _SMITH_".

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