Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03676

To:, "'Jakub Pietracha'"
From: "van Zoelen, Bram SSI-TSEA-352"
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 13:27:57 +0200
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: BEAM survivability!!!

> ----------
> From: Jakub Pietracha[]
> Reply To: Jakub Pietracha
> Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 1:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: BEAM survivability!!!
> Hi list you jsut whant bilive what my mom just did.
"She smashed your teeths", springs into my mind when i reads this

> In the morning i want to the school and left my walker standing proud on
> my desk but whan i got buck it whas gon. I realized that all of my stuf
> that I left laying on the desk whas gon (multimeter, soldering iron,
> electronic components, motors, ...). I went to my moms roon and asked her
> what hapened and she said that my walker went for a walk. I desperatly
> started to search around the flat and gues where i foun it. My mom just
> threwed it to the trasch container (its a pipe with a dors that leeds to a
> container in the
Yep, That is suspected. Mom's thends to do things like that. Mine did anyway
after warning me for 1000 times to clean up the mess.

But that was many year ago. Now i tell the same to my daughter.
History is repeating itself

> bacement and i live on the 4'th flor). I went there and diged threw piles
> of junk but i found it. The walker is alive but it realy stinks (it lended
> in some roten food) loks like I'll have to rename it a Skunk Bot. Talk
> abourt survivabilyti! Has any of you had xperiences like that?
So what did you learn about this?
That the design is a good and strong design.
That your solder works are very good.
That you allway have to throw your garbage first into the empty container,
in case someone else throws your Bot away.
And many other wierd thoughts.

[Still sitting behind my desk with a smile]

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