Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03673

To: "BEAM Mailing List"
From: "Nicholas Smith"
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 10:53:22 +0100
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: a new idea for freeforming

> I have been thinking about free forming a few circuits for a robot I'm
> working on, but I didn't like the fact that a free formed circuit is
> shorted out if a wire is accidentaly bent, or if something conductive is
> dropped into the works. So I had an idea. Free form the circuit like
> and then cover the whole thing with some 5 min epoxy so that it gets
> all the wires and acts like an insulation. You could go one step farther
> cover it in silicone so you have a shock proof/water proof/dust proof
> freeformed circuit, perfect for underwater robots or any robot thats going
> to be in harsh environments.

Yeah. Good idea! only thats what I've been doing ever since I started
building underwater robots. :-) The only problem is when you want to change
or repare something you have to perform surgery on your robot leaving a big
scar down the robot. Anyhoo, I have found the best way is to first build a
"Play-Doh" mould and make the outside layers first sandwiching the
electronics and mechanics inbetween that way you can get a nice evenly
shaped robot.


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