Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #03671
To: Terry Newton
From: Wouter Brok
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 11:05:46 +0200
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: diode
Hello Terry,
The 1N5817, that's the one I found in the solar-battery-charger and later
on your page ... it was your page:
and more specifically
where I saw it.
What I like is that you program neural nets in the microprocessors you use
for your robots. I have been thinking about doing this as well (before I
knew BEAM), but I lacked (and still lack) the knowledge about neural nets.
In september I'll attend a course on neural nets at uni and I hope that
after that I can implement a microprocessor (the AT90S1200) in a
BEAM-walker (5 motor, I've the frame ready, but didn't find the time for
the circuit yet), such that the neural net processes 'higher order' sensory
information. At the moment this sounds really ambitious to me ... I don't
know if it is possible ... I'll see.
But I'm glad I've the link to your page now again, because once I'm doing
the course I want to read through it again to see if I understand more of
it (the software) then.
Wouter Brok.
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