Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03648

To: Evan Dudzik
From: James Wilson
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 20:27:15 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: What I think of Solarbotics

Welcome to the world of economics Evan, the only way Solarbotiscs can judge
if their prices are too high is if people stop ordering, that's called
price resistance. I usually get my orders in about 10 working days from
Solarbotics which is just about the Canada Post time guarintee. If you
live outside of Canada then talk to your customs inspector because that is
probably where the bottle-neck is.

James :-))

Evan Dudzik wrote:

> I am not even gonna get into the market and quantity stuff; the only
> thing I buy and probably will ever buy from Dave is solar cells because
> he is the only place I have found that sells them at a low price. I
> cannot figure out how to buy them from Panasonic, and I dont think i
> ever will. I think that it is not very smart to buy other things from
> him unless you only need a couple, because if you can come up with an
> order of at least $25 from digikey, you can get free shipping, and get
> it a HECK of a lot sooner. I mean no offense dave, but 6 BUCKS and you
> have to wait for like 4~6 weeks? cmon, thats crazy. I dont have time
> to fart around waiting for my solar cells to come for a month; but for
> now I will have to. And it is true, he does mark up things farther
> than digikey which is crazy because they are more convenient. I only
> wish he would shape up and figure out another shipping method so we
> dont have to wait forever or someone else should distribute solar cells
> for the same price. (Ian werent you gonna do that?) I am currently
> looking for other places to order solar panels from, because i have a
> busy schedule and dont always have 6 weeks OR $25 to wait/spend. Sorry
> Dave, no offense, but its the truth.
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