Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03642

To: beam
From: Richard Piotter
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 18:58:01 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Bronco is walking: WELL!!!

Click, click, Click, click, Click, click, Click, click!

Such a beautiful sound!!! I finaly finished it. It took me from
Superbowl Sunday to about a month ago to actualy buy the LM7805 voltage
regulator, and took till today for me to get off my butt and install it
(shows how busy (and lazy) I am)!

Anyway, I only had an LM340 on it, which could only handle 100 mA, and
would not run the bot for more than about 5 seconds before overheating.
I installed it temporarily, just to test it. The sequence was right, but
it never had the power to walk efficiently with that LM340.

I finaly got off my butt and installed it (as well as a centering spring
between Bronco's legs and oiling all the joints in my robots). It works
soooooooo nice! It even appears to walk straight (it'll walk straight,
and suddenly change angle slightly. Maybe cause of the floor
surface???). For those who have never seen it, it's a 3 motor walker
with a 6 Nv branched Bicore on a homemade PCB and 3 freeformed six
transitor H-Bridges.

There are older pics of it on my web page. I want to update them, but
the idiots over at ATI keep delaying the XCLAIM VR 128
Tuner/Capture/Video card I ordered to use with my video camera.

"How Wude"

Richard Piotter

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