Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03640

To: Wilf Rigter
From: Chiu-Yuan Fang
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 16:50:34 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Tricore info question

Depending on the mechanics, the pause at the end of every stepping cycle will
probably ruin the convergence of the walkers motions. We'll have to try it and


Wilf Rigter wrote:
> Hello Wouter and list
> Sorry for the delay, I've just been very busy. To my surprise, the tricore
> has 3 modes. Zero and one process and 3 processes at very high frequency.
> The PNC restores normal one process mode. Here's an example of another "odd"
> core: a Pentacore that places the PNC inside the 4Nv loop. On power up, the
> PNC Nv (not Nu =) resets the other Nvs. Since it's inside the loop, it
> resets them one every stepping cycle, automatically reinitializing the core
> in case of saturation. With the adjustable 1M pot you can vary the speed of
> the walker from full speed to 10 seconds for one stepping cycle.When set for
> full speed, the walker should start walking as soon as the power is applied.
> I haven't time to build this at the moment but it should work as advertised.
> One neat idea is to add a IR receiver that senses IR pulses and connect the
> active low output of the IR receiver to the bias point (x) of the PNC. Now
> when you have a Pentacore bot adjusted to slow speed, then you can control
> it with a TV remote control when pressing any key generates an IR pulse that
> causes it to take one step cycle at a time. That is what I meant by core
> synchronization. If you want some interesting herd synchronizing behaviour,
> build several Pentacore bots and connect a visible LED and a IR LED (IR
> beacon) to the output of the first NV after the PNC. Then the PNC of the
> "fastest" bot will time out and at the start of that bot's step cycle it
> will radiate an IR pulse which will trigger the next nearest bot and that
> one to the next cascading away from the center until all the bots within the
> receiving radius take one step cycle with a wave of blinking visible and IR
> LEDs, one step after another.
> sound like fun?
> enjoy
> Wilf Rigter

Chiu-Yuan Fang

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