Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03636

To: Jakub Pietracha
From: Chiu-Yuan Fang
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 16:14:32 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Two motor walker questions.

If your rear legs are dragging, move the batteries forward a little. The walker
should fall forward onto it's front feet.

If you are using a 74HC245 driver you can attach the anode of the PNC diode to
the 245's enable line. That will keep the legs from turning until the microcore
is in a one process state. If you are using h-bridges, throw a 74HC139 in the
circuit (BEAMTek site) and do the same with the enables.


> Jakub Pietracha wrote:
> I have two questions.
> Curently I am building a two motor walker similar to Chiu-Yuan Fang's
> Walker ver2.2 but I am using modified servos as motors. Is this walker suposed
> to lift its rear legs or just drag them (mine only drags). As I look at the
> photo I can figure out that the center of gravity is moved to the rear end.
> The second thing. When the walker is walking straight the RC timing on the
> neurons is enought to turn the legs from one side to the other but at power up
> RC timing turns the legs all the way one side so that the walker flips over.
> In my previous project I used end stops but now i dont whant to use any
> mechanical solution. I thought of using some kind of startup neurons with
> resistors smaller than the ones used in the main loop but it is not the most
> elegant solution. I have bought thiev small reed switches that I am planing to
> try out. Any other sugestions?
> Heres an ULR of my site. You can find photos of my thirst two motor wlaker
> there:
> Jakub Pietracha

Chiu-Yuan Fang

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