Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #03603
To: "Evan Dudzik"
From: "Nigel Joyce"
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 16:34:13 +1000
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: What I think of Solarbotics
You winge about 6 bucks? look at Dave's shipping costs to get stuff to
> I am not even gonna get into the market and quantity stuff; the only
> thing I buy and probably will ever buy from Dave is solar cells because
> he is the only place I have found that sells them at a low price. I
> cannot figure out how to buy them from Panasonic, and I dont think i
> ever will. I think that it is not very smart to buy other things from
> him unless you only need a couple, because if you can come up with an
> order of at least $25 from digikey, you can get free shipping, and get
> it a HECK of a lot sooner. I mean no offense dave, but 6 BUCKS and you
> have to wait for like 4~6 weeks? cmon, thats crazy. I dont have time
> to fart around waiting for my solar cells to come for a month; but for
> now I will have to. And it is true, he does mark up things farther
> than digikey which is crazy because they are more convenient. I only
> wish he would shape up and figure out another shipping method so we
> dont have to wait forever or someone else should distribute solar cells
> for the same price. (Ian werent you gonna do that?) I am currently
> looking for other places to order solar panels from, because i have a
> busy schedule and dont always have 6 weeks OR $25 to wait/spend. Sorry
> Dave, no offense, but its the truth.
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