Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03592

To: "BEAM Mail"
From: "Nigel Joyce"
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 12:11:27 +1000
Subject: [alt-beam] Die FLED'S Die! and Evolution Comparison

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You know, I was absolutely delighted to come into work this morning and fi=
nd a whole heap of replies to my original e-mail about "evolution compariso=
n", especially delighted to see 1 of the replies from mark T. I think the=
first message mark T. has sent to he list since I have become a member, an=
d to my original e-mail! I eagerly looked forward to an intelligent conver=
sation and dissection of Darwinian theory. I started reading all the messa=
ges, then quickly became disgusted to see that 80% of the replies to "Evolu=
tion Comparison" and 80% of other e-mails where 1 giant bitch fight.

Remember, this list is for BEAM and related ideas. If you want to persis=
t in personal sledging matches, please, please use personal e-mail, It is =
a waste of my time to watch this go on. If I wanted Bitch Fighting, I woul=
d go and read the BASE Jumping Discussion Board again. 2% original informa=
tion, 5% discussion, 50% destructive criticism and 43% personal insults and=
challenges, the e-mail equivalent of 2 pissed bastards in the pub, standi=
ng toe to toe saying "c'mon then, wanna fight do ya!"

On another note FLED's SUCK! =

After a full weekend building bots (for me, that is 2 bots, it was raining =
all weekend and I couldn't skydive), I have come to the scientific conclusi=
on that the bloke who invented FLED's did so, so he can sit back and have a=
good laugh at us trying to use them for BEAM robotics. I have decided tha=
t FLED's are only good for 1 BEAM application, and that's symets or solarro=
llers, things requiring only 1 SE. Anything else and they are too finick=
y. I will never use a FLED again!! I just have to wait for the 1381's fro=
m Canada. Why you ask? 2 bots on the weekend, none working. I have buil=
t 7 bots, 2 that work properly, a cybug kit and a FLED SE vibrating spider.=
The other 5 are just exercises in frustration. Numerous problems, Trigge=
r Voltage Level, Slowly rising Voltage locking up FLED's, FLED's not liking=
light and so forth. My soldering has improved though, as has my layout an=
d attention to detail.

Have a good week everyone
I think I will go Non BEAM for a week or two.
I am frustrated

PS. I am still looking for someone willing to give me a small area on thei=
r web site for my bots, I don't have time to develop my own. =

Cya &
Blue Skies

------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications

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from =

mark T.  I think the first message mark T. has sent to he list since I=
have =

become a member, and to my original e-mail!  I eagerly looked forward =
to an =

intelligent conversation and dissection of Darwinian theory.  I starte=
d =

reading all the messages, then quickly became disgusted to see that 80=
% of =

the replies to "Evolution Comparison" and 80% of other e-mails where 1 gian=
t =

bitch fight.

Remember,   this list is for BEAM and related=

ideas.  If you want to persist in personal sledging matches, please, p=
lease =

use personal e-mail,  It is a waste of my time to watch this go on.&nb=
sp; =

If I wanted Bitch Fighting, I would go and read the BASE Jumping Discussion=

Board again.  2% original information, 5% discussion, 50% destructive =

criticism and 43% personal insults and challenges,  the e-mail equival=
ent =

of 2 pissed bastards in the pub, standing toe to toe saying "c'mon then, wa=
nna =

fight do ya!"


On another note FLED's=


After a full weekend building bots (for me, that is 2 b=
ots, it =

was raining all weekend and I couldn't skydive), I have come to the scienti=
fic =

conclusion that the bloke who invented FLED's did so, so he can s=
it =

back and have a good laugh at us trying to use them for BEAM robotics. =
; I =

have decided that FLED's are only good for 1 BEAM application, and that's s=
ymets =

or solarrollers,  things requiring only 1 SE.   Anything els=
e and =

they are too finicky.  I will never use a FLED again!!  I just ha=
ve to =

wait for the 1381's from Canada.   Why you ask?  2 bots on t=
he =

weekend, none working.  I have built 7 bots, 2 that work properly, a c=
ybug =

kit and a FLED SE vibrating spider.  The other 5 are just exercises in=

frustration.  Numerous problems, Trigger Voltage Level, Slowly rising =

Voltage locking up FLED's, FLED's not liking light and so forth.  My =

soldering has improved though, as has my layout and attention to =



Have a good week everyone

I think I will go Non BEAM for a week or two. IV>
I am frustrated


PS.  I am still looking for someone willing to giv=
e me a =

small area on their web site for my bots,  I don't have time to develo=
p my =



Cya &

Blue Skies


href=3D""> home: http://=">">http://=">"> - Simplifying group =
