Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03587

From: James Taylor
Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 17:55:40 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Rolling wheel design..Rollerbots (was: Star Wars Ep1...)

I would think a much easier way of controlling a
mini-ball, would be to put a photovore inside it. Use
the hampster ball as it was meant to be used, with
something rolling around inside it.

--- Dennison wrote:
> When making a rollerbot, one has to think of how the
> device will turn. We
> undersdtand the miniball phenonenom, where the
> shifting weight makes it go
> forwards. Many people suggested shifitng two weights
> for directional
> controll. This method doesn't actually seem like it
> would work very well. So
> I went back to the miniball. First, I decided to
> elongate the ball, as when
> it's entirely circular it's motion is far too random
> for good use. So I put
> a little strip of cardboard between the two sphere
> halves, that way it
> normally roles straight. To turn, I need to slightly
> tip the ball, using a
> weight with a short radius or swing, I can
> accomplish this. As the sides of
> the bot are circular, ( the halves of the miniball)
> the circumference is
> smaller, since it's smaller it's velocity is lower,
> so when the bot leans
> onto it's sides, it works like differential
> steering, where it sudenly
> doesn't turn as fast, and the bot begins to pivot
> around that point. in this
> fashion I steer. I've been working wth a weighted
> version, and as soon as I
> get my hextiles back, I'm going to work on a bicore
> version.
> Dennison

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- Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)
James Taylor
Icq: 14888587

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