Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #03584
To: "john thurmon",
From: Ian Bernstein
Date: Sun, 23 May 99 15:00:00 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: cheap,good,plentiful!
>i recently discovered a small wind-up toy robot that has a gaer box that
>will do the job just as good as a OTU, but costs .50$ and is abundent (in my
>area of missouri) if you live near st. louis you can get it at grampa pigins
>ive made about 5 and will have pics in the near future at
What's the RPM? The easiest way to tell is to make a mark on the output
shaft and connect the motor to 3v (2 AA) and count how many times it goes
around in 1 minute (I use the countdown timer on my watch).
A few days ago I made a couple gearmotors using pager motors and the
gears I got out of this timer thing I got in Canada. It has an output RPM
of about 18.5 and has lots of torque! I'll get info and photos up on the
web eventually. I'm thinking I might use it in a solar walker after I
finish my current projects.
Ian Bernstein "aka - Synet" The Master Builder
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