Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #03534
To: "Jean auBois",
From: "Hyndman"
Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 14:51:47 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Rollerbots (was: Star Wars Ep1...)
I have to stick with dave on this one
>>:for his heavy-gunned
>Hrmm. Heavy-gunned. How long have large cannons been in use? How >many
>centuries now? Do you have a clue how large the guns were on the naval
>destroyers during World War II? Are you supposing that "heavy guns" is a
>new concept?
First thing, they didn't fire projectiles. They were laser "cannons", which
was a fairly new concept when the original star wars was made, and you
can't claim he ripped him self off.
>>:Have you seen the flick?
>Praytell, what difference does THAT make? Either the ideas are as old as
>mud or they aren't. He didn't invent them.
It makes a whole difference, the painting you described has NOTHING similar
to them except the fact that they do roll, and walk. And if they were soo
ripped off from this artist, he ripped it off from nature. Armadillo's have
been around for a long time, as well as hedge hogs.
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