Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #03505
From: Jean auBois
Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 00:04:45 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Evolution Comparison
At 4:27 PM -0000 5/21/99, Mark W. Tilden wrote:
:the technological efforts of mankind are... rarely in favor of the machine.
That is a rather anthropocentric point of view, isn't it? What proof do
you have that human beings are actually in control of things (or, for that
matter, that we are what is -really- important)? There is some fairly
strong evidence that "life" (as we know it) is merely a method that DNA has
to continue itself.
:where the mainstream
:evolution of devices focuses only on human interest
Ah, I see. Human interest includes the increase of pollution, global
warming, loss of resources, extinction of other species and the like? I
don't think so, in spite of the fact that they are direct results of the
evolution of devices. Again, the thought that the creation of machines
serves human interests is, at best, questionable.
:Main Entry: 1-oid
:Function: noun suffix
:: something resembling a (specified) object or having a (specified)
:: quality
Approximately autonomous? One would think that a robot was either
autonomous or it wasn't -- in any case, are we interested in things that
merely resemble something autonomous???
:Main Entry: bi·o·log·ic
:Pronunciation: "bI-&-'l„-jik
:Variant(s): or bi·o·log·i·cal /-ji-k&l/
:Function: noun
:Date: 1921
:: a biological product used in medicine
Huh? Medicinal products? Do we really need these obfuscatory neologisms?
Of course, there ain't nothin' like generating jargon for the sake of being
:So long as the machines exclusively serve their Gods
Your machines have capital-G Gods??? And, praytell, who would THEY be?
Perhaps you ought to go read "The Modern Prometheus" (y'know, Shelley,
Frankenstein) before presuming that humans are the deities of machines.
The Monster found that Frankenstein made a rather pathetic excuse for a
divine being.
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