Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03503

To: "Jean auBois",
From: "Hyndman"
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 23:58:36 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Busy, busy Mark T

>What he needs (ok, what he could use) would be a bunch of undergraduate
>students performing all of the tests and measurments that have been
>suggested, but I honestly don't think he's got the time to do them himself
>nor does he have the funding to support those jobs. The time he's got to
>do true research is quite limited.

I think Mark knows this, and that is sort of why he is very eager to
encourage it to people. Hopefully in the future I possibly could do some
work for Mark while I'm in college/university.

>However, I still think he ought to be publishing more (and not the
>overly-high level stuff that deals with what I happen to believe are
>questionable links to chaos theory.)

Chaos fits in a part of BEAM, and always will. Using chaos you
can "predict" "behavior". That is VERY thin ice to walk on, and
conflicts of opinions will cause hell on the list for a while. So I
won't say anything more, I don't want to clash with people's idea's.

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