Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03501

From: Jean auBois
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 23:28:27 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Tricore info question

At 7:10 AM -0000 5/21/99, Wilf Rigter wrote:
> and 3 processes at very high frequency.

I believe that all of the Nv loop devices can exhibit this high-frequency
response, a condition that Tilden calls supersaturation or some such.
Comments have been made by beginners for quite some time about a condition
where their microcore or hexcore shows all LEDs lit, but dimly. If they
happened to have touched the chip (presumably a '14 of some sort) they'd
also find that it gets hot pretty quickly (at least for true TTL there is a
point somewhere between turn-on and turn-off of the output where both
transistors are mostly conducting for a moment... at high frequency, this
results in a fair amount of power being used). Confirming what Wilf
states, the waveform is very high frequency.

This isn't terrifically surprising, however -- an Nv neuron is a
high-frequency pass filter followed by a pretty fast inverter. The filter
& the inverter produce just the right amount of phase shift to support high
frequency oscillation.

Hooray for PNCs?


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