Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03489

To: beam
From: James Anderson
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 11:10:06 -1000
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: FAQ project (please help)

Hyndman wrote:

> >P.S. Maybe this should somehow be merged with the existing BEAM TEK >FAQ.
> >This is one of the most amazing beam resources out on the web right now
> and
> >it would be ashame to waste our time duplicating it on another site.
> Far as I know the BEAM tek faq page is gone. It might have moved, but I
> haven't heard much from Brian Bush in a while, I guess he might have become
> uninterested in BEAM.
> Devin

No, it's still there... It's at
(""), and, incidentally, was
the first useful BEAM resource I came across. I found it very useful in helping
me "break into" BEAM, esp the "how to join the mailing list" and "A Course of
Study in BEAM Robotics" sections. I would suggest that any new FAQ include
versions of both of these, and also a copy of Wilf "step-by-step FLED SE
analysis" post.

Wondering Aimlessly,
James Anderson

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