Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #03407

To: "BEAM Mail"
From: "Nigel Joyce"
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 14:33:18 +1000
Subject: [alt-beam] Evolution Comparison

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Hey Guys and Gals, (Do we have any girls on this list?) =

I was just thinking of an interesting parallel, Religion aside=
, it took God millions of years to "develop" us, and when we play God and =
develop ALife, if there was just 1 of us, having to develop electricity,el=
ectronics,computers,components, etc. it would probably take a few million y=
ears as well. BUT, working as a collective (watch those borg terms) It ha=
s taken humans what 50-100 years to discover and develop to the stage we ar=
e at now. Take a macro view and the human race is just a very big hive wit=
h the Cities as our nests and Countries as our Hives, we have the infightin=
g between different hives ie. Wars, the unproductive drones ie. Those who=
are too lazy to work, the "Queens", ie. the leaders of our respective coun=
tries. And regardless of how you look at it, in working for ourselves, we=
are working to better the "Hive". Plumbers, when they fix a drip in your =
tap, are improving the Water infrastructure of the Hive, Farmers are just =
like advanced hunter/gatherers of the insect world, Technology people are =
working to extend the hive, Space Exploration, which alot of our fun sort o=
f leads towards, is an attempt to extend our hives boundaries, if we could=
, would we not go off and colonise another world, just like a bee swarm? =
The comparison I am trying to make is between a "hive" of humans being more=
effective than just 1 human or even God, and a hive of bots being more eff=
ective than one complex bot, which is where the micro/nano bot research is=
Sort of removes your individuality to think of yourself as part of the huma=
n hive or collective, doesn't it.
You can draw further comparisons between the lifespan and achievements of i=
ndividuals in the insect world compared to the lifespan and achievements of=
the hive, then compare that to the human hive, your achievements and the =
achievements of humans as a whole. Scary isn't it. I mean, as we go about=
our daily lives, we swear to ourselves that we are not working for the goo=
d of the human race, but are working for ourselves, ever heard the expressi=
on "productive member of the community". I wonder if bees and ants act as =
individuals, may be even see themselves as individuals (this is probably re=
aching) and are only going about their daily lives with no thought to the "=
Good of the hive".

OK, Ok, time for me to come back to reality for a while, (and get back to =
work, "for the good of the hive" };-) )
Cya's later =

Blue Skies
Home is where you hang your @

------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications

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ALife,  if there was just 1 of us, having to develop =

electricity,electronics,computers,components, etc. it would probably take a=
few =

million years as well.  BUT, working as a collective (watch those borg=

terms)  It has taken humans what 50-100 years to discover and develop =
to =

the stage we are at now.  Take a macro view and the human race is just=
a =

very big hive with the Cities as our nests and Countries as our Hives,=
we =

have the infighting between different hives   ie. Wars, the =

unproductive drones ie. Those who are too lazy to work, the "Queens", ie. t=
he =

leaders of our respective countries.   And regardless of how you =
look =

at it, in working for ourselves, we are working to better the "Hive". =

Plumbers, when they fix a drip in your tap, are improving the Water =

infrastructure of the Hive,  Farmers are just like advanced =

hunter/gatherers of the insect world,  Technology people are working t=
o =

extend the hive, Space Exploration, which alot of our fun sort of leads tow=
ards, =

is an attempt to extend our hives boundaries,  if we could, would we n=
ot go =

off and colonise another world, just like a bee swarm?   The =

comparison I am trying to make is between a "hive" of humans being more =

effective than just 1 human or even God, and a hive of bots being more effe=
ctive =

than one complex bot,  which is where the micro/nano bot research is =

Sort of removes your individuality to think of yourself=
as =

part of the human hive or collective, doesn't it.

You can draw further comparisons between the lifes=
pan and =

achievements of individuals in the insect world compared to the lifespan an=
d =

achievements of the hive,  then compare that to the human hive, y=
our =

achievements and the achievements of humans as a whole.  Scary isn't =

it.  I mean, as we go about our daily lives, we swear to ourselves tha=
t we =

are not working for the good of the human race, but are working for =

ourselves, ever heard the expression "productive member of the =

community".  I wonder if bees and ants act as individuals, may be=
even =

see themselves as individuals (this is probably reaching) and are only goin=
g =

about their daily lives with no thought to the "Good of the hive".

OK, Ok,  time for me to come back to reality for a=
while, =

(and get back to work, "for the good of the hive" };-) )

Cya's later 


Blue Skies

Home is where you hang your @
 home: http://=">">http://=">"> - Simplifying group =
