Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #03403
To: beam, George Rix
From: Sean Rigter
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 19:16:46 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Tricore info question
Hi Rob,
Sorry for the brevity of my earlier reply.
Odd numbered >1Nv cores work the same way as even numbered Nv cores.
They are not commonly used because Nv neurons are generally used in
pairs in a push/pull ("bridge") configuration. But as always with Beam,
you ask a question and a hundred ideas pop up! Aside from the obvious 3
phase application: I just thought of an odd =) number of interesting
applications for the extra Nv neuron in a (5 Nv) microcore:
1. Start/Stop
3. Delay/Speed
4. auto PNC
5. core/herd synchronization
are just a few of the possibilities. Anyone of these are quite powerful
in modifying behaviour. I am sure there are some examples of these
applications already perhaps someone out there would like to help fill
in the blanks.
Sean Rigter wrote:
> Yes needs a PNC
> wilf
> George Rix wrote:
> >
> > I have a question about microcores that have an odd number of neurons. Even
> > though they aren't useful to me at this point in time, I'd like to know how
> > they can work. It would seem to me that you would have conflicting pulses.
> > But then maybe you arrange it so only one pulse is going around with a PNC
> > of some sort.
> > Thanks for your time, I really did look for it on the net, but couldn't find
> > anything. Maybe I just didn't look hard enough.
> > Anyhow,
> > Signing off,
> > Rob Rix
> >
> > ___________________________________________________________________________
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